QuickTapSurvey Support Center

Customize Question Text Style

With multi-screen surveys, you can customize the font and color of text for all questions in the survey. 

By default, QuickTapSurvey will automatically center-justify the question text and resize it to fit in the space allocated. For each question, you have the option to override the default formatting and add additional styles.


How to Update the Font Style and Color


1. Log in to the QuickTapSurvey Web App and click Surveys.


2. Click the Edit Survey button.


3. Click on Customize.


4. Select a Font:


Available fonts:


5. Set a Text Colour by entering the HEX color code or by using the color selector tool.



How to Override the Default Formatting for a Specific Question

1. Click the Edit Question button for the question for which you want to override the default formatting.


2. You can use the Text Editor to bold, italicize, or underline individual letters or words in the text. One style can be applied at a time. You can also justify the entire text to the left, right, or center.