Support Center
Integrations and API
Integrations and API
About Zapier
Exporting Responses (Contacts) to Infusionsoft
Exporting Responses (Leads) to Salesforce
Mapping to Custom Fields in Infusionsoft
Opt-in for Infusionsoft
Setting up your QuickTapSurvey Trigger for Zapier
Why does my Salesforce export status read 'FAIL'?
Why does my Salesforce export status read 'Success With Warnings'?
Writeable QuickTapSurvey Data for Zapier
API Endpoint
API Endpoint v1.0
API Key Generation
API Key Generation v1.0
API Restrictions and Limits
API Restrictions and Limits v1.0
API Result Codes
API Result Codes v1.0
API Support
API Technology
API Technology v1.0
API User & Credentials
API User & Credentials v1.0
getSurveyResponses v1.0
listSurveys v1.0
login v1.0
QuickTapSurvey API Overview
Exporting Responses (Email Subscribers) to MailChimp(Video)
Why does my MailChimp export status read 'FAIL'?
Why does my MailChimp export status read 'Success With Warnings'?