QuickTapSurvey Support Center


The QuickTapSurvey Web App and the QuickTapSurvey App support the following languages: English, FrenchSpanish, and Portuguese. However, you can create a survey in any language that is included in the Unicode UTF-8 Character Set

The QuickTapSurvey Web App will be shown in the language you have selected for your browser. If you are using a language that is not supported, the QuickTapSurvey Web App will be shown in English.

The QuickTapSurvey app will be shown in the language you have selected for your device.  If you are using a language that is not supported, the QuickTapSurvey app will be shown in English. 

Your QuickTapSurvey account has a default language that is used for all system emails and communications.  The default language is set to the language used when signing up for an account and cannot be changed.