QuickTapSurvey Support Center

Hourly NPS®

The Hourly NPS® report shows you the NPS® score and the total number of NPS® responses collected each hour.


Hourly NPS® Overview


1. Filter by Date

2. Filter by Survey

3. Print

4. Overview of All Hourly Net Promoter Score® Questions

5. Responses by likelihood to recommend category

6. Net Promoter Score®

7. Frequency Selection for Graph

8. Net Promoter Score® Data by Frequency

9. Net Promoter Score® by Frequency

10. Overview of Hourly Net Promoter Score® for a specific Question


How to View Hourly NPS®

1. Log in to the QuickTapSurvey Web App and click Reports.



2. Click the Hourly NPS® button.



3. Select your desired Date range.



4. Select the correct Survey.



5. You will be able to view the Overall Score for all NPS® questions across every hour.



6. You will be able to view the Overall Score for a Specific question across every hour.