Auto-Reply Email
The Auto-Reply Email is a system-generated email that is automatically sent to the survey-taker immediately upon completion of a survey. The email includes a summary of the survey taker's response and can be completely customized with the Premium plan. The Auto-Reply Email can be configured using the Email Address question type and is enabled by default. The following table shows the Auto-Reply Email options as available in each plan:
How to Update the Auto-Reply Email Settings
1. Add or edit the Email Address question type.
2. Toggle on the Enable Auto Reply switch to enable or disable the auto-reply email.
3. If you have the Expert plan, you can customize the email content.
a. Ensure Enable Auto Reply switch is toggled.
b. Enter a Sender Email. This is the email address that will be displayed in the From field of the Auto-Reply Email.
c. Enter a Subject for the Auto-Reply Email.
d. Select the Text editor or the HTML editor.
e. Create your Message using the Text Editor or the HTML Editor.
Text Editor
HTML Editor
4. Click Save.