I can't log in. What do I do?
Your Username or Email IS NOT Case-Sensitive
When logging in, the username/email address field is NOT case-sensitive, meaning that the following will all be considered as the same when entered into the username field:
• Username, USERNAME, username, UsErNaMe
• name@email.com, Name@email.com, nAme@email.com, NAME@EMAIL.COM
Your Password IS Case-Sensitive
The password field IS case-sensitive, so make sure you have the right capital letters in your password when you are logging in. The following will be considered to be different passwords:
• Password1, pAssword1, PASSWoRD1
Your Username Might Be Locked
If you are confident that you are entering the correct username and password, but you still can't log in, your username may be locked. Usernames are locked if the incorrect password had been entered 5-times, so even if you're entering the correct username and password now, you might still be blocked. If you have an email address affiliated with your account, you can unlock yourself by resetting your password, contacting your Account Manager, or contacting our Support team.
Limited Access Due to User Role
Some users will only have access to the QuickTapSurvey mobile applications (Apple and Android apps) or to the QuickTapSurvey web application (found at www.quicktapsurvey.com/admin). These limits will have been set by your Account Manager or a User Manager on your account. If you are trying to log in to the QuickTapSurvey mobile application or Web Application and you do not have access, you will be blocked. Please ask your Account Manager or a User Manager on your account if you have access to the application you are trying to use. List of User Roles
Forgot Username
Account Manager
If you are the Account Manager for your QuickTapSurvey account, your username will be your email address.
Other Users – Not Account Manager
Email addresses are optional for users who are not Account Managers, so you might not have an email associated with your username.
If you are not the Account Manager, and you DO have an email address associated with your username, you can log in with either your username or your email address.
If you do not have an email address associated with your username, and you're not sure what your username is, please contact your Account Manager to find out what your username is.
Forgot Password
If you have an email address associated with your username and you are having trouble logging in, try resetting your password.
Still Having Trouble? We're here to help!
If you are still having trouble logging in, please contact Support.