QuickTapSurvey Support Center

White Label Users & QuickTapSurvey Roles

When you White Label your QuickTapSurvey account for use with one or more Clients, you must create system users and assign the appropriate QuickTapSurvey roles to them. If you do not assign roles or assign them incorrectly, you may give access to capabilities and account data that are not intended for the user. This is especially important when creating Client users external to your organization.


White Label UserInternal or ExternalDescriptionQuickTapSurvey Role(s)
QuickTapSurvey Account ManagerInternalThis is the person that owns, manages, and maintains the QuickTapSurvey account. This person sets up the White Label Web App and creates one or more Project Managers. Account Manager
Project ManagerInternalThis is the person that works directly with the client to understand their data collection needs. This person will create, test, update, and publish the survey. This person will create internal and external users, and deploy the survey to them.Survey ManagerUser ManagerData ViewerData Collector 
Team LeadInternalThis is the person that trains and manages the Data Collectors. This person will have access to the survey on an iPad or Android tablet, as well as access to the collected data and reports in the Web App.Data CollectorData Viewer
Data CollectorInternalThis is the person that is collecting data using an iPad or Android Tablet. This person will only have access to the survey on the iPad or Android tablet.Data Collector 
ClientExternalThis is your client. Your client can view, analyze and download survey data securely from your White Label Web App.Data Viewer 


Note: The White Label Web App is a duplicate of the QuickTapSurvey Web App in all ways except for its color, logo, and URL. Users will have access to the same system capabilities whether they log into the QuickTapSurvey Web App or your White Label Web App.


White Label Web App Demo (Managing 3 Clients With a Single Account)


View our Demo Site to see an example of what your setup could look like when you are using a single QuickTapSurvey account with 3 clients. The users have been set up as follows:


White Label UserDemo Username / PasswordDescriptionQuickTapSurvey Role(s)
Project Managerprojectmanager / 1QuickTapThe Project Manager has access to all surveys in the account. Currently, the Client A project is active,the Client B project is complete, and the Client C project is just getting started. To keep the demo account clean, we have disabled the ability to create surveys and users (i.e. removed the Survey Manager and User Manager roles).Survey ManagerUser ManagerData ViewerData Collector 
Team Leadteamlead / 1QuickTapThe Team Lead is working on the Client A project. The Team Lead can collect data and view responses for Client A's survey. In addition, the Team Lead has access to the Start of Day and End of Day surveys, which report daily status back to the Project Manager.Data CollectorData Viewer
Data Collectorsdatacollector1, datacollector2, datacollector3 / 1QuickTapThe Data Collectors are all working on the Client A project. They can only use the QuickTapSurvey App to collect data for Client A's survey.Data Collector 
Client AclientA / 1QuickTapClient A can only access the survey data for Client A's survey.Data Viewer 
Client BclientB / 1QuickTapClient B can only access the survey data for Client B's survey.Data Viewer
Client CclientC / 1QuickTapClient C can only access the survey data for Client C's survey.Data Viewer